March 9, 2025 Announcements

-Service this evening at 7:00 - Cameron Weber is to finish our winter Bible school study on Anabaptist history.

-Shekinah is having revival meetings this week - March 10-16. The speaker is Delbert Eby from PA. Meetings start at 7:45pm.

-Lakeview is having revival meetings this week - March 10-16. Speaker is John Zimmerman from WI. Meetings start at 7:45pm.

-Offering this week is for the school.

-Offering next week is for the church fund.

March 2, 2025 Announcements

-Song service this evening at 7:00pm.

-Sewing on Tuesday for the sisters.

-On Wednesday evening bro. Michael is planning to show slides taken during his time in Ukraine. Service starts at 7:30pm.

-Offering this week is for the church building fund.

-offering next week is for the school.